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Boekenhoutskloof is one of the most celebrated and admired of all South African wineries. There has been winemaking on the site since 1776 but as with many producers in South Africa it has a chequered history and has on occasion fallen into disprepair. The current operation was started in 1993 by a group of wine enthusiasts and the wine is made by 'Maverick' Marc Kent. They are one of the very best South Africa has to offer.
Boekenhoutskloof are based in the Franschoek region of South Africa, which is one of the oldest and most established.
Boekenhoutskloof craft wines of both weight and elegance and they are highly admired for their ability to balance finesse with weight and fruitiness. These really are top class wines.
Boekenhoutskloof have a large and diverse range but particular highlights are their top Syrah and Cabernet as well as the wonderfully named (and equally wonderfully tasting!) Chocolate Block.